Central Employment Exchange Jobs Recruitment Notification, Central Employment Exchange has released an official notification for the posts of Scientific Assistant (Pharmacognosy), Vocational Instructor (Matel) and Instructor.
Last Date :- September 22nd, 2017
Name of the Post
No of Vacancy
Age Limit
Pay Scale
Scientific Assistant (Pharmacogonosy)
30 Years
Rs 5200 - 20200 (Level-5, as per 7th CPC)
Vocational Instructor (Matel)
30 Years
Level-6, as per 7th CPC
Instructor Stenography
30 Years
Rs. 9300 - 34800 + GP Rs 4200/- (Level-6, as per 7th CPC)
Instructor Processing
30 Years
Rs. 5200 - 20200 + GP Rs 2800/-
Educational Qualifications:
Scientific Assistant (Pharmacogonosy) -> M.Sc. Post Graduatein Botany from Recognized University / Institution with about one year experience of research in Pharmacognostic identification of drugs. (OR) B.Sc. Degree in Science with Botany as one of the principal subject form any Recognized University/ Institution with about three years experience in a research laboratory on systematic botany or pharmacognostic identification of drugs.
Vocational Instructor (Matel) -> Matriculation or its equivalent. National Trade Certificate (ITI) in the appropriate trade or National apprenticeship certificate in the appropriate trade or any other recognized equivalent qualification in the appropriate trade with at least three years practical experience/ or persons from the defence services fulfilling the prescribed education qualifications and having not less than 3 yearsservice in the trade concerned, (preference will be given to candidate trained in Advanced/Central Training Institute for Instructors in the appropriate trade.
Instructor Stenography -> Degree from any Recognized Univeristy or equivalent. Diploma in Secretarial Practice/ Commercial Practice from recognized institution or National Council for training in Vocational Trades Certificate in Stenography from a recognised institute / Board / University. 03 years' experience as Instructor (Stenography).
Instructor (Processing) -> Degree in Textile Chemistry or Three years Diploma in Handloom Technology or three years Diploma in Handloom and Textile Technology or equivalent with Post Dinlnma in Textile Chemistry or Textile Processing or Three years Diploma in lextile Chemistry from recognized Institution. One year experience for degree holders or two years experience for Post Diploma holders or Three years experience for Diploma holders in Textile Processing Unit.