Kusuma Priya of Nujiveedu is invited by Nasa to take part of space settlement contest in America. she is studying PUC second year in Nujiveedu IIIT. she will be explaining about her Dream Paradise concept in this contest from May18th to 22nd
There are many more students and Teachers from Andhra Pradesh won prizes in this compitations
for those details visit official page of the compitation -> Nasa Space Settlement List
The Grand Prize for the 2011 Space Settlement Contest went to a large team of 7 students (11-12 grade), Gaurav Kumar, Deepak Talwar, Harman Jot Singh Walia, Mahiyal B. Singh, Kaenat Seth, Ishaan Mehta, and Navdeep Singh Makkar, from Punjab, India for creating the Hyperion Space Settlement.