50 worst Passwords ever

In our Daily life we used to login to different sites especially Confidential sites like Banking, Personal Accounts, Share, Company Accounts. Now online attacks are quite common in Web world but we should have basic knowledge atleast to come out that traps. Generally sites like social networking, internet banking, mail, etc — show the risk of using weak passwords. An analysis of passwords stolen in the Gawker incident late last year also showed a similar pattern.

Keeping track our passwords is mandatory nowadays, several websites like Google, Facebook, Hotmail, Yahoo, Twitter, LinkedIn and MSN advise users to change their passwords. Security experts often warn users that using the same username and password for multiple sites may be convenient, but it can prove costly. Similarly, many internet users also use poor passwords that are easy for online criminals to guess.

According to security company Sophos, many users (33% according to its research) use the same password on every single website. This means that if their password is stolen in one place, it can be used to unlock access to other sites too.

The security company also released a list of world’s 50 worst passwords. Time to go through them and make sure your password isn’t part of the list.

50 Worst Passwords:

123456, Password, 12345678, Lifehack, qwerty, Letmein, trustno1, dragon, 1234567, kotaku, Baseball, superman, iloveyou, gizmodo, internet, Sunshine, 1234, princess, starwars, whatever, Shadow, cheese, 123123, Nintendo, football, Computer, f—you, 654321, blahblah, password, master, soccer, michael, 666666, Jennifer, gawker, Jordan, pokemon, michelle, killer, pepper, welcome, batman

Source: Times